Introducing the “Magic Goat,” a whimsical and enchanting creature crafted by the talented TwistyPrints and brought to life with a vibrant 4-color PLA print. This mystical little figure captivates with its sparkling purple and cyan accents, and a magical staff crowned with a glowing skull. With its charming grin, playful horns, and enchanting eyes, the Magic Goat is a delightful blend of the mystical and the adorable. Dressed in a tribal cloak adorned with mysterious symbols, this enchanting figure is perfect for adding a touch of magic and wonder to your collection. Whether it’s casting spells on your desk or guarding your bookshelf, this Magic Goat is sure to spread joy and charm wherever it’s placed!

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $12.00.

SKU 3DGOAT01 Category

Additional information

Weight .1 kg